
AGILITY: the main focus of this website’s content

Agility—or flexibility—is the second leg in the “Take Back Your Back” triad. Like the “must” of action, you simply MUST stretch. When you’re first starting out or you’re in crisis, you must do it every single day…and even multiple times a day. Once you have absolutely ingrained agility into your life, you can drop a day or two here and there if you’re, say, rushing to catch a 5am flight, but only if you know you’ll be able to get back to the daily routine as soon as the exception has passed. If, however, you need the reinforcement of daily routine in order to MAINTAIN a routine, then skipping the daily stretch is not an option for you; you will have to make sure you do your daily stretches come Hades or high water, even if it means you have to do them in your hotel room after a full day on an airplane. No exceptions, no excuses. Your back will thank you.

The main focus of this site is what I call “TBYB Yoga.” These are a series of stretches (or postures, if you want to retain that yoga feel) that I’ve cobbled together from decades of public education P.E. classes, yoga sessions, workout instructors, and personal research. These are the stretches that feel consistently good to me, and which address areas that are universal tight zones for the standard desk-bound citizen. After practicing TBYB Yoga on a daily basis for a few years, I started recommending particular poses to friends and family that had sore backs or trick knees or apparent carpal tunnel issues. Through my research and personal discoveries, I have been repeatedly amazed that the vast majority of the chronic pain and acute physical crises in my and my friends’ and families’ lives have been due to simple muscle tension. How many surgeries and physical therapy sessions have people endured, how many toxic pharmaceutical prescriptions have people injected and swallowed in a fruitless attempt to alleviate unrelenting and very real pain…only for us to learn that a simple, consistent routine wherein they nurture their own body, mind, and attitude could hold the key to complete recovery and a new life??